So today in my "outstanding" English class, we had a test. It was an interview test. Basically I brought the student outside and I asked him/her about 8 fairly simple, yet engaging... well not so engaging questions. Anyway, while the other students waited in the classroom, I decided I would show them a movie. Well the movie I decided to show them was one of my favorite movies "wall-e". This movie has yet to be released in Japan, so they were in for a treat! This movie releases next week in Japan. Well we watched the whole movie, and I waited for a response from one of the 20 heads in my class. I never got that response. Not even a "that was cute!" or a "I liked the movie!". It was complete silence. I thought that I had shown them a damn video of a funeral or something like that. What the hell??? How can you not have a response to "Wall-e". Needless to say I was a bit shocked at this. When the bell rang, they all just got up and walked out of class. Not even a goodbye or thanks. That's the last time I lug my laptop and speakers to class for them. Lame...
On a good note, I got to watch "Wall-e" again. Damn I love that movie. Well gotta get going. Chat with you later! Cheers!

How can you not love this dude?