Good Friday to you! Well it's already the second week of September. My September has been pretty bland so far. My birthday was last Wednesday, and it was great to get some goodies from home! Thank you!
I decided that I would share some of the lessons that I do at my school. I scanned some of the works from my students so you can see the results. On this past Wednesday I made a lesson for my students that they have to make a short story by looking at a picture.
I made this sheet for instructions.

I have to make the English very simple. I also made a ridiculous story about an Elephant in a rain coat for an example. Next was the students turn.
This is from one of my students. She is really funny and this is my 3rd year teaching her.

The English is not perfect at all, but I don't punish them for it. It's just a conversation class not grammar! I just want them to use English.
*The circles on the sentences mean "correct" in Japan. In America, we use the check mark.
This is the picture that she had to look at to create the story above.

You can see some of her notes in Japanese there on the paper. The English level is probably about middle school at my high school.
The next picture is one I gave to another student. He happens to be the funniest guy in class.

He had drawn angel wings on the backs of the kids. You will see why now... ;)

As you can see, he has a very big imagination! Oh, just in case you didn't know. Yakuza are Japanese mafia, so that will make the story make a little more sense hopefully! ;)
The next lesson I started in my class a few weeks ago was to make a recipe in English. I wanted them to make a simple recipe and them share them with each other. Here the best example from one of my 3rd year students.

Japanese students love to draw little picutures of everything. They are good at conveying emotions with these little drawings. Hey maybe you can try to make this very popular Japanese fast food dish! :)
Ok, I just wanted to share some of the things I am doing at my school. Teaching is very interesting here, I have to make up all my lessons on my own. I'm the only foreign teacher so sometimes it can get a little difficult. Enjoy, and I will be back soon!
p.s. don't forget 9-11-01. 8 years later and I can remember every last thing I did that day.