Hey everybody who still reads this blog! How are you doing? Things are hot and sticky (that's what she said) over here in Japan. The humidity is really starting to do some damage. I can't seem to dry off when I take a shower. As soon as I go outside I start to sweat, it's just absolutely horrendous. The good thing is it's been cloudy a lot lately. I really do like the clouds.
So I am finally settled into my little nook of an apartment. The internet guy came to my apartment and took out a few gizmos and did something and the internet turned on. It was great! I even have TV service now, but I don't have a TV. So I guess I should probably buy one sometime...eh... So what's new in Japan? Well a few weeks ago there was a foreign English teacher from Canada that was arrested for taking pictures up high school girls skirts on an escalator. I don't understand why you would try to take a photo of that. Honestly I think the some of those girls want you to look, they wear these ridiculously short skirts sometimes. Anyway it turns out that I actually know that guy that got arrested. Apparently he was not in the JET programme, which is good, because it would really give a bad image to the programme. I think he is leaving this month back to Canada. What a pity. In a way I feel sorry for the dude, because it was blown up in the media over here. Basically because he was a foreigner. Old nasty Japanese guys do that stuff on a constant basis here, but nobody ever does anything about it. Double standard??? You be the judge...
As you might know I play futsal every Tuesday night here in Japan. It is great fun and the team are good guys. We never play with shin guards because it's futsal and usually you don't get kicked in the shin. Well this week I found out, that is not always the case. I was running for the ball and it was a 50/50 ball, meaning I could have gotten it or my the defender could have gotten it. We both swung at the ball but our shins clashed and I didn't feel anything at the time. About 30 seconds later, I felt a horrible pain in my shin. I kept playing on, and by the end of the 2 hours, my shin looked like this.

Lovely isn't it?
It was really painful, and it was swollen. I went home and took a shower, put some pain spray on it. And it looked like this...

Still painful
It has gone down
considerably since then. Now it is just really red and a bruise. Needless to say, next time I play I will be wearing my shin guards! ;)
Yesterday I went to see Terminator 4. It was pretty good. I went with my buddy from Canada. If you told me 2 years ago that I would go watch Terminator 4 in Japan with a Canadian, I would have thought you were insane.
Candy in Japan is just like the clothes here. It changes with the seasons. This morning I stopped at the local market and found a sign that said "SUMMER CHOCO" or Summer Chocolate. Having absolutely no idea what the hell that means I wandered over there and found these interesting morsels.

kat ramune flavored, basically sprite flavored kit-
It didn't seem very tasty, and honestly it isn't very tasty. But it does show you how different things can be over here. I don't think American people would like this candy. It is very interesting though. ;)
Well that is all for today my liege. I'm going to take some photos of my apartment this weekend and post them up for you. Take care and be safe.