Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where's the Typhoon?

Last Tuesday there was a big announcement in the teachers room just before quitting time. The Vice Principal yelled out that there was a big typhoon coming and we might not have classes the following day. While he was saying this, I was looking at the weather on my phone and it said "Sunny". I figured that it was just another over reaction from the weather folk in Japan. It happens a lot actually. Needless to say, it was warm and sunny on Wednesday. :0)

Two Thursdays ago was my birthday and I became 28 years old. Wow, I'm really getting old! I still feel like I haven't really accomplished anything in my life. It's a weird feeling to be honest with you. I went to dinner with the misses and ate some delicious Korean style food. It made me remember how much I miss Korea. The food there was just amazing. Anyway, besides getting about 80 happy birthday messages on Facebook, it was just an ordinary day. One of my students gave me a cute little present with cookies and a Super Mario Lolly. I was really happy and surprised.

My Small Present

Yesterday, (9/12, Sunday), I went to watch my school's girl's basketball team play in the Osaka City Round of 16 high school basketball game. It was really interesting to see how it they play these games. They had girls playing on one court and the boys playing on a court directly across from them. Meanwhile fans and other teams waiting to play are in the middle of both courts. It's a really strange setup compared to an American style but I guess it's efficient. If my school would have won, they would have went to the final 8 of the city. Unfortunately they didn't win but they sure played hard. The other team just shot lots of three point shots and made about 60% of them. That pretty much ended the game there. I was so surprised to see how good my school was in terms of ball skills. They handled the ball really well and were good in the paint! Girls got some skills, even though they are so short. After the game I headed back to my apartment. It took me about 1 hour to get home, so it was a bit of a journey to see the game.

The team huddling up before the game.

During the game.

Warming up at halftime.
On Saturday was the 9th anniversary of 9-11. That was a horrible day for America and myself. It's sad to see that many people have already forgotten about that day. It's not really mentioned much in the news from what I saw. I don't think I saw anything about it here in Japan either. Well, It's not like Japan has to care or anything, it didn't happen to them, so I can understand that. I spent my evening watching the web stream of the memorial in New York city. It doesn't matter how many times I see that, I always cry. You can see people holding up 9 year old photos of their family members that no longer exist. One lady made a small speech at the podium and something like, she hopes that 9-11 never becomes a national holiday in America because it's not something to celebrate and have a day off of work, it should be a day of remembrance and mourning. Another woman added that her husband was never found in the rubble so she will continue to come back every year because it is where her husband is buried. Imagine not having a body to lay to rest? That would be just horrible. I'm sure his body was incinerated instantly in the fire unfortunately. One day he's alive the next day he's gone completely. Well, sorry to go on about this saddening topic but I just had to say something about it.
One more week until I head to Mt. Fuji to climb to the top. I should probably start buying some gear right? haha OK, well enough of my rant for today. Have a wonderful day, night, whatever.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hisashiburi! (Long Time No See)

Hello everyone that still (nobody) reads my blog. I think that this blog has really no point now. Especially since almost everybody that I know and keep in touch with is on Facebook. They can see everything that I do, all the pictures that I upload and status updates instantly. It seems that Blogs are becoming more and more obsolete. Unfortunate but true none the less. I'm sorry to anyone that reads this and is not on Facebook to see all my happenings and what not. I'll try to update my blog at least once a month or something like that from now on.
Anyway, I've had a busy 4 months since I last posted. I changed my school with completely new staff in a different location of the city. No more bike rides to school either since my school is now in train distance. From trips to the beach, birthday parties, playing soccer and basketball, the world cup, school welcoming parties, work drinking parties, practicing Japanese calligraphy, clubbing, a tour of the Suntory Beer Factory, a trip to San Francisco, Las Vegas and El Paso, duty as a best man in my cousin's wedding, planning a birthday party for a friend and I and finally saying goodbye to many good friends that are now leaving back home. It's been crazy this year so far to say the least! My life over here is still exhilarating and fun. I can't say I'm not lucky sometimes.

Here are some pictures from my phone I've taken this year.

This is my album from Summer 2010

I think that when you see these pictures you will get a good picture of what life has been like over in Osaka. It's a great place to be and I enjoy it everyday. From August 1st, I started my 4th year in Japan. When I first came to Japan I never thought I would be here 4 years. Time literally passes us by.

My next excursion is this month. A few friends and I will attempt to climb to the top of the largest peak in Japan! MOUNT FUJI!! I really can't wait and I know it will be a challenge, but I'm always up for a challenge. There is a famous saying here in Japan that the Japanese always say. "Everyone should climb Fuji, but you're a fool to do it twice." I'm really looking forward to that day! ;)

OK well, I just wanted to update this BLOG. I hope all of you readers are doing well and thanks for the continued support even though I completely neglect the BLOG. I'll try harder.



p.s. If you are on facebook just add me!