Tuesday, August 28, 2007


So things are pretty crazy over here at the moment. School is in session and I am at school all day from about 730am to 530pm. I usually meet a friend or two for dinner or whatever and then afterwards come home to sleep and do it all over again. I will be posting more stuff up soon I just wanted you to know that I'm alive. The students are really cool and a bit shy but thats just kids you know. Tomorrow I don't have any classes in the afternoon so I'm going to go practice with the school soccer club. They are very excited to play with me. Today I was approached by the Spanish teacher we began to talk for about 20 mins in Spanish it was really nice to hear Spanish again, I had forgotten a lot already. So this is good for me. Well I will try to put some pics up soon and a video of a club that we went to last Saturday night. Talk to you soon :)


  1. Wow Vince, that's a long time to be at work! I miss you so much! Glad to hear you are alive, have fun playing soccer! Love ya!

  2. Hi Vince glad to hear your doing great. So you mentioned you bought a bike what kind is it? We are all doing good.

    Tu Tio
    Bobby Novoa

  3. Hi Vince,im glad your alive and well. Hope you have fun playin soccer with the kids
    p.s. you'll be getting another package of goodies with the next few checks i get,love you.

  4. It's good to know you're adjusting well (I had no doubts). Can't believe its been over a month aready. Show them Americans can play footy too. Te quiero and miss you mucho(I'm sure you miss the Spanglish;)xoxoxo

  5. Love you!

    uncle Fernie

  6. Just finally am able to enter here. My darn (dammed) computer has finally been replaced. I read all your entries. Vince, please know that we miss you but we are so very proud of what you are doing. Life goes by very quick and this experience will always be with you. Phil, Paul & Mona send you lots of hugs and kisses Mi Hijo, take care of yourself and never change. Your are a very unique person. Live life fully!!!!

    Fernie your proud Uncle!


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