Hello all my blog readers! I truly appreciate all the people that read my blog! It's nice to know that I'm reaching people with this thing. I have hit almost 2,500 hits so far. Thats a lot in about 3.5 months. Thank you
To start things off I want people to vote on the poll on the left side of the blog page. I want to know what readers want to see on my blog. Vote there and I will get an idea of what to put up. If you don't see a choice you would like, then please leave a comment and tell me what you want to see. I will try my best to put more content on the site as much as possible. Please let me know ok! :)
Now, today I had to work. It wasn't too bad because I had to work at an elementary school. I played the 7up game with the kids. Japanese elementary school kids are so funny. They are very smart too. Many of them knew a good amount of English so it was cool. They enjoyed the game and they had a great time. When I got out of school I went to go eat with 2 of my students. We were riding our bikes looking for a new place to go. I turned the corner on one of the streets by my apartment and there was this Indian restaurant. WOW, I had no clue it was there. So we went inside and had some excellent curry rice and Nan. Nan is Indian bread which is delicious. The Indian guys that were in there told me to drop by whenever I wanted just to talk or hang out. I was happy to make some new friends. Afterwards, I went to the mall with Natsu and Erika. I went to that whack mall with the "Sonic the Hedgehog" type name, Diamond City. We bought some ice cream and I bought a cd. We parted ways and I came home.
Actually I didn't come straight home because I wanted to explore on my trusty bike more. I wanted to see what else I could find. Unfortunately I didn't find too much new stuff. It was just nice to ride my bike for a while. I dropped by the 100 yen shop to buy some candy for my students as a prize at school. I give them candy or school stuff if they actually try to speak English and answer questions. It seems to work pretty well. It's a small investment but it's worth it I believe. When I arrived home I jumped online and my brother was playing some Xbox 360. So we played some Halo 3 online. We are almost going to beat the game together so it's pretty fun. Thanks brother, and if any other people want to play let me know.
As for tonight, I am going to have some dinner with this girl Saki. She is really nice and funny. She also happens to be really pretty, so good times. We will go to a Sukiyaki shop, then maybe some karaoke. I'm not too sure yet but we will see what happens. Lately I've been enjoying my time in Matsubara. At first I thought that it wasn't cool or fun. I thought that in order to have fun in Japan was to go and drink at Foreigner bars in Downtown Osaka. I have realized that there is really nice stuff to do around in the south (Matsubara). Nice people, small shops, and a home like feel. It's hard to explain, but I hope you understand my pathetic attempt at explanation.
This past week I have been studying a lot of Japanese. Some of my students come to talk to me after school and just ask me random questions in Japanese to see what I know. It's good practice, but sometimes I have no clue what the hell they are talking about. haha I have to do a test in a couple of weeks in Japanese to see what I have learned so far.
I will check out the UTEP football game tomorrow morning. I just hope that they won't disappoint again. Ahh that team is so frustrating sometimes. The NY Giants play those damn Cowboys on Sunday. I won't be able to see the game because I will be at work most likely. I hope NY makes Tony Romo hit the ground many, many times! :) Sorry Cowboy lovers...actually I'm not sorry because I hate the COWBOYS! :)
So how is everybody doing? Give a bit of an update if you have the time, which you probably won't since this giant blog post is taking up all your time! :) I will leave you now, I gotta get ready for tonight. I think I will bust out the El Paso Times Spelling Bee shirt! You know that will impress the ladies! haha Those of you who know that shirt know what I'm talking about! hahaha Take care and I miss you!
Makiko - I'm really happy you will finally get to graduate! Celebration time! YAY! :)
Danny - You need to stop trying to Rambo on Halo 3! We die too much! hahah j/k :)
Val - Thanks for being a fan! I hope you are doing good! :)
Mar - Oh man get online sometime dude! :)
Lynn - Hey, relax it takes time to make these amazing (not) posts! hahah
Manny - Dude did you still want to do the postcard thing??
Mom + Mrs. B - Are those port-a-potties still sitting outside? haha tell them to stop tipping them, they will find a suprise! (o^_^o)
Family - hey you all! say hi sometime !!! :)