Saturday, December 1, 2007

Back from Kyoto! Pictures Galore! :)


  1. LUCKY! I never been to Kyoto. Seeing your friends sitting the in train, it brought back memories galore! I hope you're well.

  2. Yes!!!! My vote counted. Thanks for the Pictures Galore!!!

  3. Hey Vinny,
    I love the pictures! You look like you are having a splendid time. I am so excited for next week, i wish you could come, but I will look forward to when you are in "the states" and we can go to a Dynamo game together... I will wait to go to one just for you!!!! So much has happened this week,you would not believe how things went down! I am 100% better though, so don't worry! I hope i get my ecto 1 back before i move though! lol Love you Vinny!


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