Well, today as usual, it started to rain as I was riding my bike to school! Oh man...everyday! haha I have been needing to change the brakes on my bike but I have been procrastinating about it! Well today I had a great reason to. I was riding to school and a old lady decided to randomly walk in front of me aimlessly! Since my breaks were...not so good, I rammed into her! I know some of you will laugh about this (like me). Yep, I ran into an old lady on my bike. However, it really wasn't my fault, since she was so stupid to walk right in front of me. Anyway, to keep a long story short, I said I'm sorry and picked up a cucumber that she dropped from her bag! LOL
Of course, it stopped raining when I got to school. As I was leaving about 4:45pm, there was RAIN! But not just sprinkles, it was raining like hell. So I went directly to the bike shop and changed my brakes. While they were changing them, I decided to take a few photos with my cell phone(sorry they aren't so good). EVERYBODY rides bikes here, so there are so many bikes in the store! Well I hope you are enjoying life where ever you are. Be kind and comment. See ya
Of course, it stopped raining when I got to school. As I was leaving about 4:45pm, there was RAIN! But not just sprinkles, it was raining like hell. So I went directly to the bike shop and changed my brakes. While they were changing them, I decided to take a few photos with my cell phone(sorry they aren't so good). EVERYBODY rides bikes here, so there are so many bikes in the store! Well I hope you are enjoying life where ever you are. Be kind and comment. See ya

lots of kiddie bikes too

bike heaven
haha, dude, i can't tell you how many times i've wanted to run down a little old japanese lady in the streets. they are the worst, acting like they own every pebble in the road. and they always give me a disgusted look when i pass them. you've just lived one of my dreams.
all rain and no sun makes patrick a dull boy
i hope the obaasan's cucumber didn't hurt your bike. seriously, pedestrians are as bad as drivers. i almost ran over some in philly the other day.