Sunday, May 11, 2008

おめでとう! Congratulations!

First of all, I would like to congratulate my Mother and my younger Brother. They are graduating from college today in the USA. They are probably at the ceremony as I write this now! I just wanted to say that I am so proud of them. They both went through a lot of adversity during college, but managed to keep their head straight and finish it all! I love you!! I wish I could be there to see the ceremony, but I hope to see some pictures later!

Last night I went to my co-workers wedding party in Kyoto Japan. They are a unique couple because they are both teachers at my school. They are good friends of mine, and I was very happy to be invited to the party. The party was similar to an American wedding party. There was food, speeches, drinking, eating, laughing etc. I was the only foreigner there (like usual). Two things that were different from an American wedding party was that we had to pay 7,000 yen ($70 US). Also, we played BINGO. In Japan, they love BINGO for some reason. I have no clue what the reason is but we played BINGO. It was cool because we won prizes, but just kinda strange that the people throwing the wedding party had to give out gifts. Shouldn't it be the opposite? Anyway it was a good night. I hope today will be a good day too! (:D)



1 comment:

  1. HEY MAN THAT IS A COOL! Thanks for sharing! Love ya man!


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