Monday, September 8, 2008

Death of a Legend

This post has nothing to do with Japan. It's all about my hometown, and a local hero and legend that passed away Sunday afternoon back in my hometown of El Paso Texas. Have you ever seen the 2006 Disney movie called "Glory Road"? Well Mr. Don Haskins was the focal point of that movie. He was the first coach in College basketball history to win the National Championship in 1966 with 5 black players in the starting line-up. He won the only National Championship for my University, UTEP. That all sounds amazing, but what Don Haskins means to my city is much more than basketball. He was probably the most well known and respected figure. Everybody knew who he was and he was damn humble. I've never met Don Haskins in my life, however he has somehow touched my life to write this blog. I think it's just because I grew up hearing about the story of Don Haskins and even saw him coach many games as a young miner fan. Well I just wanted to share that story with you. I was quite sad today when I heard about this. Well rest in peace Don Haskins.





  1. damn, this makes me so sad!!! He really was what made EP special and put us on the map for having had one of the greatest college basketball teams ever.

  2. hi vince, yes we still read your blog, carla and i,, every day, i wake up at 500 in the morning and grab my iphone,,, this is the order of which i check stuff, 1. the weather in las vegas, matsubara, el paso, ventura, and dallas, (just because) then I 2. check then I 3. check for any deals of the day, then I 4. check for any cool t-shirts to buy, then I check craiglist for anybody selling any cool crap ...... every day ,,, 7 days a week and without fail..... so yeah your blog is part of my day........ every day..... but i love you and miss you,,, from far away,,, i cant wait till you come home to the good ol usa...... anyway i hope you have a good day,,, and turtle and molly said hello........:) uncle vince.....


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