Thursday, May 7, 2009

Monkey Madness

So this past weekend was fun. I went to an Outlet mall in a place called Rinku Town. The outlets there are quite good. I was able to pick up some nice clothes for about $100 US. On Monday I went to Kyoto. We went to a Monkey Park called Arashiyama Monkey Park. There are about 150 small Japanese monkeys at that park. They walk around wild there. So it's possible they could attack you, however that is unlikely. The monkeys were very cool. Many of them were cleaning eachother off and combing eachothers hair. They use their hands just like we do, and their hands look just like ours! It was weird to see that. We had a few days off this week because of the Japanese holiday "Golden Week". It's basically a reason just to have a few days off. I don't think anybody really knows the reason for the holiday, but they all take the days! So did I! haha Well enjoy a few photos of the little buggers that I saw.



I wonder what happens in the Auto Toilet.


Man pulling cart!

Let's Boating!

Hanging by the tree, not a worry at all.

Bamboo Forest

1 comment:

  1. Wow Vince!!! That is so cool! I hope you had a "golden week" lol. Talk to you soon! Love you and miss you.


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