Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So it's been raining the past 2 days. Yesterday was a foggy day. It also happened to be a Japanese Holiday. I think it had something to do with old people. Like, respect for the old people day, or "Don't kick old people day", or "Don't knock over old gimps on their bicycles" day. Anyway, it was nice. I cleaned up my apartment, it was and still is pretty bad. My room is quite nice most of the time but the rest is in shambles, it needs a proper tidy up. It was quite cool yesterday because of all the clouds so I was able to just open up my balcony door and feel the cool breeze. My roommate's girlfriend cooked us lunch while we cleaned up the apartment. She made some tasty Chinese rice mixture. It was damn good and I really enjoyed it.
So last week I showed my students the DVD that I worked on. Their response to the DVD was basically silence. No emotion, reaction, comments etc. It was so lame. I even asked if they wanted a copy of the disc and nobody responded. Sometimes I really think to myself, "what is the point of me teaching here?". My other classes are very funny and happy except this one class. The atmosphere is similar to a damn funeral in my class. Oh man...
For those of you who read my blog, I'm sorry that I haven't exactly put anything exciting up on my blog for a while. I really haven't been doing much traveling or sight seeing to put up cool pictures or videos. I just can write my life here. I hope to go somewhere cool soon though. Maybe just a weekend and getaway from the big city for a while. Well I hope everyone is doing great. I will talk to you soon. Much love to all the people in Texas that are suffering from Hurricane Ike.




  1. Hi Vincent,
    Glad to know your doing well. You don't have to go anywhere for us to enjoy your blog, so don't fret about the content. Also don't let the zombies in one class keep you from teaching the others. Just do it your way!!!
    Teaching is a challenge anywhere. 5 girls, 12 boys, 3rd grade...need i say more. whewww..

  2. Hey Vince!
    Sorry to hear about your students... maybe they are just so used to seeing that in their culture (remember the silence on the train?)and don't even realize they are being rude. We made it home safely, it is so crazy and sad seeing people in long lines waiting for FEMA to give them ice, water and mre's. Trees and street signs are down everywhere around us, and lots of people's homes have been destroyed and "condemned" by FEMA. There is also only Diesel or flex fuel gas available at pretty much every gas station around us.I am so glad we are safe and that nothing happened to our place. Talk to you soon. Love you.

  3. yeh man, i miss kobe. after coming back to the us for the first time in 7 years, im homesick for japan. cant wait to finish and leave here.


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