Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm alive!

Hey everybody! I'm sorry that I have failed to update my blog lately. Actually I have been without internet for a few days now. Yes, again my internet has failed in the very "high tech" country of Japan. Perhaps I have the curse of bad internet. Anyway that is one of the reasons I haven't posted anything.
Did you know that my BLOG turns 1 year old on Thursday? Well if you get a chance. Leave a happy birthday blog comment on that day. It would be greatly appreciated... haha Well I'm shooting my English conversation commercial tomorrow. I hope that it will come out soon. I won't have any internet at home so I can't upload to viddler any time soon. But expect the video up in the next week i assume. Other than the internet debacle, Italy lost in the Euro 2008 cup. So whenever those wankers loose I'm happy. Ok well I'm doing good over here. I'll be back soon. Take care everybody.

1 comment:

  1. 'whenever those wankers lose' - haha, amazing!



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