Monday, January 28, 2008

Cooking Papa

Have you ever played the Nintendo DS game called cooking mama? Well I think that you could make a new game called "cooking papa" with me in it. The only problem is that the will probably suck... Today I made my first real attempt to make some "japanese" food. I attempt to make...Curry Rice! It didn't come out so well, so I think I will give up on making anything except spaghetti! haha

Anyway, I had a pretty good weekend. There were some interesting moments and some pretty dull ones. But hey that's just the way things go sometimes. I had a lesson this morning with a teacher that I will just name "jackie". Well Jackie never talks to me or asks me what is going on in the class. Last week Jackie was absent twice and she didn't even ask me what I did for the class those two days. So lately I have just been going into the class and doing whatever I want. Now, I'm having my students create a dialogue. It is really fun and they are enjoying it. It's so hard to understand how mediocrity is excepted so much in Japan. Ok check this out. Do you know what the minimum passing grade at my school is? A 40! Yes that's right 40! In the USA, a passing score is 70. So basically a student can pretty much fail everything except 1 test and they can pass. Unbelievable... anyway enough of my bitching... I hope you are having a great week. Take care




  1. It sounds like "Jackie" doesn't care about her students as much as you do... I am glad you make a positive difference in their lives, Binsu!

  2. Jackie needs to reevaluate herself and the important position she has in kids lives.
    Get with the program JACKIE!!!!!
    As for you Binsu, Keep it up! They need you and she knows it.


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