Monday, October 22, 2007

Rainy Monday

Well today had a mixture of ups and downs! I went to work this morning feeling kinda lackluster. I woke up at 3am to watch my Giants DESTROY THE CRAPPY 49ers!! So that was good, and after 4 cups of coffee I was good to go. Right as I pulled up to school in my bike I was greeted by my always cheerful and shy students. Damn they know how to bring a smile to a guys face. So thats always something I have to look forward to. At first period my team teacher decided to show about 10 mins late to class so I basically started whatever I wanted to do. I just gathered my students in a circle and we just started to talk about whatever. I think it's good for them to be able to conversate in a more relaxed environment. My teacher finally walked in 10 mins later, and he wanted to start his whack lesson. I just told him I already started one and we were doing good. He was kinda mad but I had complete control of the students, which are usually out of control in his class. We just talked and had a good time. They really enjoyed the class so I'm hoping we can do it again.

At about 2pm I went to the office and what do you know... my fedex box came in!! It was so nice to see it. It gave me some good and not so good memories thanks to someone!! anyway... I have to say thanx to my Dad and the person at the front counter who was nice enough to give him a discount. I guess you can never really know who your real friends are right! Anyway I really appreciate it A LOT!!! ARIGATO GOZAIMASU!!!

I came home so happy to play my game and finally get some home back. I went online to check my message on the space and I stubbornly stumbled upon some whack photos. They were a bit unnerving but hey I knew it all along. It's all good though because life will always come back to you. I have learned many things about myself here with my short time in Japan. I have grown, and I guess to quote Bill Murray in my favorite movie "Lost in Translation" "The more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you." Nuff said eh!

Well lets just say I blasted my way through a few levels of Call of Duty 3. (i'm sure to the dismay of my neighbor) haha I ordered Halo 3 and Fifa 08 yesterday so soon we will all play online together people!!! :) I'm excited!!

I called both my grandfathers tonight and it was good to hear their voice. They are really strong people and I just wish I will be that strong in my life in the future. I talked to my good buddy in Sweden too! Chatted a bit about footy and life in general. Wow life just flies by huh!? It's kinda crazy now that I think about it.

I sent my pops a birthday present today at the local post office. I also sent chibi a present too! Who is chibi??? Oh that person knows who they are :)

So did I tell you I met a girl that looks so stunning, I can't even describe it if I wanted to. Well believe it or not, she actually is talking to me and I got a phone call tonight from her!!! whoa!! More on that another day haha ;)

Hey well I think that is enough of my random rants, I'm sorry if I sound mean sometimes I just write what happens in my life here. No lies, fluffs or BS! It's all good. Hey if you want to leave a comment, please do so. It's nice to hear from people. I know I have my frequent readers, but if you want drop in a message! :) Well until next time, take care, miss you all xx ^_^


Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.
Mark Twain
US humorist, novelist, short story author, & wit (1835 - 1910)


  1. Hey man I'm glad you got your xbox; now we will finish the fight. haha

    Thanks for calling me and letting me know or should I say, "Domo arigato Mr. Roboto"

  2. hey!! thanks again for my present! i can't wait til it gets here :)
    glad u got ur xbox finally.
    so u met a girl huh?? yeah...those japanese girls are gorgeous, i even get jealous sometimes! lol ;)
    hope u get to do more fun things with the class.
    talk to ya soon..

  3. hey! im glad you will soon be getting your hallo 3 & fifa 08, ive been playing a bit at my friend's apartment, and even thou i suck, its kinda cool hehehe... so halloweeen, my brother's gonna be a girl (more of a hooker, but anyway... hahaha) and im gonna be an 80s rockstar! hahaha, its gonna be pretty hilarious... we'll miss you. we all miss you vinsanity! take care, talk to you soon!
    ps. its a pain to try and comment here, wtf?! hahaha


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